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Scrapy is a Python-based open-source web crawling framework designed to extract data from websites. With its built-in libraries, Scrapy makes it easy to scrape large amounts of data from the web with minimal coding. It is especially useful for data mining and automated testing, and can be easily integrated with other Python libraries.

Scrapy works by sending HTTP requests to websites and parsing the HTML or XML responses to extract the desired data. It supports several built-in spiders for crawling sites and supports custom spiders as well. Scrapy can handle complex websites with JavaScript, Ajax and dynamically generated content.

Scrapy is highly customizable and provides a flexible and extensible architecture. It supports various pipelines to process and store data in different formats such as CSV, JSON, SQL databases, or NoSQL databases. The framework also has built-in support for handling HTTP proxies, user agents, and cookies, allowing users to simulate different user behaviors and avoid getting blocked by websites.

With the help of a proxy, Scrapy can route its requests through a different IP address, which can help to avoid getting blocked by websites. Scrapy allows the use of different types of proxies such as HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS, and it is also possible to use rotating proxies, which can help to further avoid detection.

The framework has been used by a wide range of companies and organizations to collect and analyze data, including journalists, data scientists, and e-commerce companies. Scrapy is a powerful and flexible framework for web scraping and data extraction. Its built-in libraries, extensibility, and ability to handle complex websites make it a popular choice for web scraping projects.

See also:
Proxy for scraping