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How-to Guides > How to set up a proxy for Crawlee

How to set up a proxy for Crawlee

In this article you will find a way to set up proxy for Crawlee framework.

The Proxy Port SDK contains a proxy rotation package for Crawlee. Using this package you don't need to worry about proxy rotation, everything will be done by itself. If you want to manually set proxies, keep reading.

All your proxy needs are managed by the ProxyConfiguration class.

You need to instantiate the ProxyConfiguration class and pass it to the Crawler constructor.

You can set up a proxy from a predefined list:
import { CheerioCrawler, ProxyConfiguration } from 'crawlee';

const proxyConfiguration = new ProxyConfiguration({
    proxyUrls: [

        // replace it with the URLs of your proxy servers

const crawler = new CheerioCrawler({
    // ...

or with a function which provides proxy dynamically:
import { CheerioCrawler, ProxyConfiguration } from 'crawlee';

async function newUrlFunction(sessionId: string | number): Promise<string> {

    // Must be defined by you
    return getProxyFunction();

const proxyConfiguration = new ProxyConfiguration({
    newUrlFunction: newUrlFunction,

const crawler = new CheerioCrawler({
    // ...

See also:
Proxy for scraping